Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Now let's make that CHANGE happen that you were talking about player.... Look forward to the next 4 years... Congrats...


Blogger DeWitz said...

to be honest with you.. i think Joe the Plumber helped his campaign.. made people realize that unless you make over 250k your not gonna get taxed, and Obama will actually save you money..

Now its gonan be interesting to see what happens..

and im glad your slowly getting into politics...

November 5, 2008 at 12:27 AM  
Blogger Kellen said...

I just wanted to see Obama win. Can't say that I'm "in to politics" really.

November 5, 2008 at 9:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

not gonna lie, even though i didn't vote for the guy, (ron paul) i did feel the same emotions that millions of others felt, that hope has arrived and change if our future.

i was glad to be a part of it and i look forward to supporting obama from here on out.

if anything he knows who to bring together the feelings of a nation, and to me that's more important than our economy right now...americans are like a bunch of chickens w/ their heads cut off right now, we need a leader in which we can trust. Hope and faith are powerful things, its undeniable and truth and good always prevails.

remember, remember, the 4th of novemeber...

November 5, 2008 at 1:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i saw a black community that felt liberated and saw the hope in there eyes. i had to think to my self damn, what would i be feeling like if the pres to be was a korean guy?

then one governor said as he was crying, "i remember growing up and looking at the pictures of all the former presidents and not one of them looking like me, now its a different story."

November 5, 2008 at 1:45 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I don't discount how big this is for blacks and it was huge in our history, but im focusing on how he's gonna fix our country cause it's in the shitter right now. Hopefully he can bring this "Change" he talks about and he's just not part of some mastermind political campaign by the democrats to get minority voters and take control of the country

November 5, 2008 at 6:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the way i see it is that we are in the shitter either way, and whoever became pres, macain, obabma, or even ron paul couldn't fix what we are about to face. but its a matter of how we can keep together during this time and if our president will fight to get us back on track... i think obama will give it his all for his country.

im afraid that dumb america will look back if shit really hits the fan and call obama a sham because he couldn't fix the tsunami of shit that is about to fall on us.

What did he get? bankrupt country, fiat currency, 2 wars, financial and real estate bubble, baby boomers soon to retire, credit crunch, auto industry in dire need of bailout and the list goes on and on.. its hard to believe that ANYONE could 'change' us back to how we were

November 6, 2008 at 12:10 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Of course anyone who came into office was going to be in over their heads. Our whole political system is as fucked up as the rest of our country. His own campaign was the one acting like he's gonna be our saviour, so now its time to see what he will actually do. I didnt vote for anyone and don't see how people get passionate about any of the candidates. Hopefully I will be pleasantly surprised.

November 6, 2008 at 9:08 PM  
Blogger DeWitz said...

Non of these guys would/are really make any change, I figure we have one more year of this shit hole country we live in, and then things will go back up, and we will become the dominate country we once were...
And its going to take time, but until these big corporations stop running America, it won't matter who is in the White House... Cause corporations run shit...

What I also love- is 7 years ago when 9/11 happened, everyone was gung ho over this "I'm proud to be an American" "I love America" bla bla...
and now that the RICH people are going to be taxed more, and give back more to the country that they claimed to love so much 7 years ago, they are going ape-shit crazy- If you love this country so damn much, why the fuck are you complaining about giving back more money to help out our struggling economy? Im baffled by these people....
Yes the rich should be fuckin taxed.. Help out this debt ridden country, instead of just taking and taking more.. Fuck Faces...

And if your 'that guy' who says "I don't want a hand out from the rich" if your that guy, then donate your tax refund to some type of an organization.. stop bitching about it... All this country does is Consume Consume...


November 7, 2008 at 12:06 AM  

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