Wednesday, August 29, 2007

The Quarterback Is Not The Issue...

We're talking about Unchecked Aggression...

Before you jump to conclusions and dont hear me out, let me make this perfectly clear. Vick is guilty of breaking a federal law AND HE DESERVES TO GO TO JAIL.

Now we have that out of the way lets tackle the real issue. It pisses me off the way Vick has been treated thru this whole ordeal. I have heard people make all kinda claims about Vick being immoral, a bad person, a shame to humanity and so on and so forth. I even heard people say that they hope he rots in hell. Now I wanna do a little survey, raise your hand if you personally know Michael Vick... Yeah me neither. So im pretty safe in saying that we dont really have anyway of judging Vicks character, whether its good or bad. I dont hear anyone saying Clinton should burn in hell for having an affair, isnt that considered immoral?

I keep asking myself, All this over dogs? well the truth is that it isnt about the dogs at all. This comes downs to peoples hatred of celebrities and the rich. and sad to say those two factors are multiplied by the fact he is a black athlete.

Face it, we all have dreams of being rich and famous. Then reality sets in and your forced to sit in a cubicle for 10 years making 45k a year. While your at home asking yourself where your life took a turn for the worse, you see other people shining. At that moment, you may not realize it or even feel it, but a little something just crept into your heart. That little thing is called Hate. We all have it, some are just better than others at suppressing it.

Hate is the real issue here, not some poor innocent dogs. People hate seeing others do well for themselves and white men especially hate seeing freed slaves getting 130 million dollar contracts and hanging on their sons wall. I know it hurts but just admit it.

Before you say what I know you want to say read my first paragraph over again. Since I know you guys are lazy, Ill re-iterate. Im not saying Vick is going to jail because he is black. He is going cause he broke the law! Vick is being demonized because he is black, rich, famous and unbelievably talented. so keep on hating you really cant help it, its healthy to get it out of your system once in a while(trust me I do it daily). Just be honest with yourself, cause it was never about the dogs...


Blogger DeWitz said...

Its not because of the dogs or because of his race, its because he's worth over $130 million... Simple as that.

August 29, 2007 at 3:31 PM  
Blogger Kellen said...

MJ summed it up just right. If this was Tom Brady it would be a whole different story. C'mon now.

August 29, 2007 at 4:05 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Since when is honesty not a form of character judgement?? Im not saying he should burn in hell, but there's no doubt that on multiple occasions he knowingly sat there and flat out lied to everyone.

I don't hate Vick. Im angry at him cause we don't get to watch him play football for the next two years. I stupid is he to not cover his tracks better and think that dogfighting wasn't that serious. Oh well, at least he's got good street cred...

August 29, 2007 at 6:47 PM  
Blogger Kellen said...

How does dude have good street cred? Part of his plea is to be an informant for the Feds. "Snitching" isn't part of "street cred".

August 29, 2007 at 7:00 PM  
Blogger Paul S. Lee said...

Talk to 'em Mike.

August 29, 2007 at 11:15 PM  
Blogger Mike Mora said...

co-sign... look at qyntel woods from a couple years ago... he got caught being involved in dog fighting but nobody gave a fuck on this national, everyday spotlight type shit. why? he was a nobody who was on his way out of the league. where was the national outcry about qyntel woods? where were his features on every news outlets?

August 30, 2007 at 12:35 AM  

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